Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Running Partners...

So John was walking with me daily for a long time this summer. It has come to a halt since I have had to be out of the house at 4am the last month and a half. We were at the library the other night though and I was reading a running magazine. Sad but I am hoping that reading the articles it will somehow make me faster, better, stronger. At any rate, at least it helps in the motivation dept. The article was about two mothers who were both around 7 months prego and they train for triathalons together. Even being pregnant. I was so impressed by it. More so, I was jealous of the fact that these two women worked at this together daily. I was jealous that they each had someone to push them and show up daily without a flake-out. The discipline, the partnership, the sense of accomplishment. I rallied a friend of mine to take a weekly saturday walk with me. We did three miles. We will work together to make it longer and faster. But I did enjoy the fact that it became a social thing. I was alone on my treadmill. I was able to converse and push and be pushed. It was so needed and I desperately hope it can be a regular thing. It's not a running partner but it is a good friend. I will take it.

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