Thursday, November 11, 2010

Small steps...

The last time I would consider myself to be "an athlete" was probably four years ago. I had the luxury of employing a personal trainer and he had the knowledge it took to transform me. He taught me the importance of six small meals, the evils of sugar, and that exercise would always take second chair to diet. In four short months I dropped 50 lbs and lost 10% body fat. I started running. Still slow but fast enough to get high. Three miles a day meant nothing to me. I looked forward to the gym with anticipation even though I knew the second I got there he would be right there kicking my butt again. I loved the thrill of the journey. I could never see my body change. Seems like no matter what condition it is in, it always looks the same to me. But plenty of others noticed and the joys of shopping in a "regular store" took me over! And I could see my physical accomplishments improve weekly. I was getting stronger!

Here I stand years later. I see a "professional" about my diet and she tells me the same things I remember vaguely from my "athlete" days. I had it all along. She turns something in my memory causing me to remember. I have done this before. That means I can do it again.

When I went off to France I was afraid to leave my trainer behind. He assured me I would be ok. I started my mornings with a jog through wheat fields. Five miles now. The scenery was amazing! I can't describe the rush I received from those morning runs. When I came back to our villa I would swim. Laps upon laps. For the first time in years I was comfortable in a swimming suit. My employer's friend who hadn't seen me in months commented that I looked like a new person. I felt like a new person.

Digging through old boxes the other day I cam across the two piece swimsuit that I had purchased specifically for the trip. It looks so small. I started to cry. I felt as though it belonged to a deceased friend. Old and familiar but also as though I may never see the owner again. Inside me I hear a small voice saying "I am still here". I am taking the small steps I took before. I am praying that somehow they lead me back to that place. The one where I am watching the sun rise over grape vineyards, the one where people approach me and don't recognize, the one where I run and I don't stop. I just keep going.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Running Partners...

So John was walking with me daily for a long time this summer. It has come to a halt since I have had to be out of the house at 4am the last month and a half. We were at the library the other night though and I was reading a running magazine. Sad but I am hoping that reading the articles it will somehow make me faster, better, stronger. At any rate, at least it helps in the motivation dept. The article was about two mothers who were both around 7 months prego and they train for triathalons together. Even being pregnant. I was so impressed by it. More so, I was jealous of the fact that these two women worked at this together daily. I was jealous that they each had someone to push them and show up daily without a flake-out. The discipline, the partnership, the sense of accomplishment. I rallied a friend of mine to take a weekly saturday walk with me. We did three miles. We will work together to make it longer and faster. But I did enjoy the fact that it became a social thing. I was alone on my treadmill. I was able to converse and push and be pushed. It was so needed and I desperately hope it can be a regular thing. It's not a running partner but it is a good friend. I will take it.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Still going strong. It turns out my request for "motivation" has delivered less than desireable news. News that can only be helped by losing weight. I guess my "healthy fat girl" line no longer stands. I am a believer that everything happens for a reason. Even if that reason is a negative thing that kicks our butt into getting healthy. I asked for motivation and alas it has come.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 2...

Of P90X. Starting another cycle. My butt has been officially kicked!

Friday, September 17, 2010


I asked for it.
Pleaded and begged.
I wanted to feel the desire to become stronger, faster, more healthy.
This has been granted in a less than ideal manner.
Motivation is motivation I suppose.
In the end both have the ability to get you to the same place.
I am here and hating it.
But I am still here.

That is what matters.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Running motivation....

....for me involves new clothes....
Todays purchase:
Nike running shorts

I heart them. Can't wait to try them out.

Monday, March 29, 2010


This weekend was bad but I must say that it wasn't as bad as usual! This means progress right? Today I had the opportunity to sleep in until 7:30.....ahhh sweet luxury! A.M. workout postponed until evening...I just laced up my shoes and I am ready to tackle the treadmill solo so I can get some more energy. I have a lot to get done but I am not overwelmed. Just eager to check things off my list! Softball starts tonight for John. He has talked to me about joining a co-ed team. I agreed just as soon as I get healthy! I am impressed with the fact that he plays. I want to have a sport that I can love and be great at. Running is my choice. Weather is getting warmer and we spent some time outside this weekend. It makes me happy. Workouts will continue inside but activities like watching John play softball makes me so excited for summer! We have some big plans!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day two...

Feeling really tired today despite sleeping in. On track with calories but postponed A.M. workout until tonight. It was a nice treat to sleep in. Still very hungry but I am hoping it will subside over time. I am thinking I should jump on the treadmill...should do laundry. Also I am dying to bake cookies. Bad idea?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day one...again.

This is rough. My day started at 5:50 and I am exhausted. The A.M. workout helped to wake me up. It was my turn for treadmill but I found I couldn't jog for nearly as long as I usually do.

It felt great to eat a hot breakfast with John before he left for work. It's been almost 2 wks since we have been "on track". I have to say though, as I write this I am hungry! Last time I went to the doctor she told me to reduce my calories by 300. I am feeling it. I have been maintaining but my goals of losing weight faster, now seem so lofty. I just can't seem to "stay on track". I know what I need to do. I simply need to keep doing it.

Tonight weight training starts again. I have missed this although when John gets home, it's usually the LAST thing I want to be doing. I am off to put in some more time on the treadmill although I feel like there are a million other things I SHOULD do instead. I guess this is me attempting to put exercise as a priority. I guess I just figure if I do stuff around the house I will end up eating outside of my meal plan. I am trying so hard to make it stick! Wish me luck...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sore start...

Over the last week we have started walking. I feel sore. We don't walk fast. We don't walk far. How do I get to this point where I want to die after 45 short minutes. I am 26 years old. I should be running! I shouldn't be complaining about my knees during a majorly modified P90X sesh. I want my body back. I want to feel in control again. No more hot wings for me.

PS I feel incredibly blessed to have a teammate to help me along. I know we won't give up on each other and that is the most important key to this whole deal. We have always known how to be healthy. We just haven't figured out how not to give up on ourselves. I love you John. We will do this. Small steps.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the

body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always

tired morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired. When you were

younger the mind could make you dance all night, and the body was never tired...You've always

got to make the mind take over and keep going."

- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General and 1912 Olympian
The body does not want you to do this. As you run, it tells you to stop but the mind must be strong.

You always go too far for your body. You must handle the pain with strategy...It is not age; it is not diet.

It is the will to succeed."

- Jacqueline Gareau, 1980 Boston Marathon champ

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