Monday, March 29, 2010


This weekend was bad but I must say that it wasn't as bad as usual! This means progress right? Today I had the opportunity to sleep in until 7:30.....ahhh sweet luxury! A.M. workout postponed until evening...I just laced up my shoes and I am ready to tackle the treadmill solo so I can get some more energy. I have a lot to get done but I am not overwelmed. Just eager to check things off my list! Softball starts tonight for John. He has talked to me about joining a co-ed team. I agreed just as soon as I get healthy! I am impressed with the fact that he plays. I want to have a sport that I can love and be great at. Running is my choice. Weather is getting warmer and we spent some time outside this weekend. It makes me happy. Workouts will continue inside but activities like watching John play softball makes me so excited for summer! We have some big plans!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day two...

Feeling really tired today despite sleeping in. On track with calories but postponed A.M. workout until tonight. It was a nice treat to sleep in. Still very hungry but I am hoping it will subside over time. I am thinking I should jump on the treadmill...should do laundry. Also I am dying to bake cookies. Bad idea?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day one...again.

This is rough. My day started at 5:50 and I am exhausted. The A.M. workout helped to wake me up. It was my turn for treadmill but I found I couldn't jog for nearly as long as I usually do.

It felt great to eat a hot breakfast with John before he left for work. It's been almost 2 wks since we have been "on track". I have to say though, as I write this I am hungry! Last time I went to the doctor she told me to reduce my calories by 300. I am feeling it. I have been maintaining but my goals of losing weight faster, now seem so lofty. I just can't seem to "stay on track". I know what I need to do. I simply need to keep doing it.

Tonight weight training starts again. I have missed this although when John gets home, it's usually the LAST thing I want to be doing. I am off to put in some more time on the treadmill although I feel like there are a million other things I SHOULD do instead. I guess this is me attempting to put exercise as a priority. I guess I just figure if I do stuff around the house I will end up eating outside of my meal plan. I am trying so hard to make it stick! Wish me luck...

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