Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Athletes have eternal perspectives....

It has been a while since I have had the chance to blog on here. My time away has been spent getting back into the gym (a gift from my supportive Mr.). I have been stopping there after ten hours at work I go for 60-90 minutes to try to forget the day. To remove the stressful thoughts that tend to stay with me long after they are welcome. At the end of all of this the LAST thing I want to do is be on a computer. Don't get me wrong, my therapy lies between the lines and letters here. The key is that it is not an additional "must do" on the daily checklist. Tonight I played volleyball with the Mormons. We have a good time. Turns out I am not as terrible as I remember being although I think wearing my glasses may help my case. The weightloss is so slow. I had the wonderful opportunity to listen to the leadership of my church in a worldwide conference last weekend. A few of the speakers spoke about trials and the way that we as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints view them. You see, we believe we are here on earth to improve and overcome barriers. We feel that because we are literal children of God that we can become like Him. I think this concept is unique in the Christian world. So what role do trials play in all of this you ask....they are meant to test us and prove us. If we are not strong enough to begin with, we will work to become stronger.  When I taught preschool years ago, we worked to modify the learning environment to increase opportunities for learning. I feel like this is a simplified version of what God does for us. He molds us and shapes us with these trials. They are required to help us develop the strengths we need to become more like Him. I think about this in terms of an athlete. When an athlete trains for something beyond their physical capacity, they work toward things that are just outside of their abilities. Over time, they rise to the task. I am going to try to embrace this concept of trial acceptance in my journey to athleticisim as well as other aspects of my life. Not an easy thing for me.

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