Saturday, October 27, 2012

Finding Balance...

It's been a long time since I have blogged here.

I wish it was because I have been too busy working out to sit down and type.

Not even close.

I have had a lot of things change over the last 6 months. It's pretty crazy looking back. Good changes  but they have thrown me off my routine. With so many changes I find myself questioning everything as far as priorities are concerned. It leaves me feeling very unsettled.

The move has been the biggest impact. It is a great opportunity but requires a lot of short-term sacrifices. Running two households has tied up a lot of financial resources and leaves me feeling like I need to stay home (to avoid spending money) and eat cheap food (to save money). Not a good combo for attempting weight loss.

I have a lot of friends who have had a lot os success with various diet plans and eating regimes. Again, money. But also I try so hard to stay away from processed foods and these chemically created "superfoods". And then there is the issue of food. I love to cook food, study food, read food blogs, and grocery shop for food. A bit of an obsession but I am trying to use this to my advantage and therefore I am not too worried about anything other than eating natural foods, mostly plants, in big variety. Surely this has to pay off at some point?

The workouts however have almost ceased. I am lucky to get 2-3 in the entire week. Winter is here early. My warm clothes are in WI still and without a gym or swim pass it can be pretty cold. I know I need to just suck it up. I think a big part of it is the social aspect. I spend a LOT of time alone right now. If I am going to feel bad for myself and be alone, at least I want to be warm doing it!

Hopefully this pity party will end soon. I need to move on and get balanced.

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