Sunday, November 27, 2011

Still trying to "work things out"...

Seriously, I had to share this pic. I think it is possibly the most accurate depiction of my thoughts on running. It made me laugh so hard I must have burned around 100 calories. I can't look at it and NOT smile.

Things are going ok here on the health front. I still feel that I have not achieved "habit" when it comes to working out and eating healthy. In fact, with the holidays I may have even taken a few giant steps backwards. I am learning new things daily though that will be key in making long-term changes.

My relationship with food for example. Always a touchy subject with me. I am starting to look at it differently. I take cooking healthy delish meals as a challenge now as opposed to a sentence. I am exploring how to use foods that I have despised in the past and even some that I have never heard of before despite my years of watching food network etc. I can't tell you how many times I have asked at the Asian or Indian market for a certain food and I honestly have no idea what they will hand me. It almost like a game in a sense. I like the challenge that it offers. I have discovered that a lot of these things are surprisingly delicious. Lotus root potato chips, quinoa for breakfast, cheese sauce made of cashews....ok, you may have to take my word for it. Again, it has been a learning experience.

I am trilled to learn how inexpensive healthy food REALLY is. Seriously, the dollar menu is a difficult thing to beat. Going through grad school I ate on an extremely small food budget. Luckily I dated a LOT so this helped with free dinners. I always figured that cheap healthy food consisted of raw veggies, rice and beans. Boy was I wrong. Healthy, inexpensive food can be so much more. A 4 lb bag of red lentils at the Indian market for $2.50 will make multiple dinners for us with a few additional ingredients.

I wanted to write today so those following can be assured I HAVE NOT GIVEN UP. A few set backs over the last month and a lot of worthless excuses as to why I can't stick with these healthy changes. I will hold myself accountable, pick myself up, and carry on. My gym back is packed so I can resume my 5 am mornings, breakfasts and lunches are packed for me and the Mr., IPOD is charged and my mind is set.

Bring. It. On.

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